The US stock market

Hello Everyone

Back again after a bout of illness and ready to continue where I left off.

Last post shows the 3 "Markets" mixed from yesterdays "Close" with the Dow & S&P 500 "Up" while the Nasdaq shows "Down", with the Dow posting a new all time high (17139.35).

Looking forward to the three reports (1.30pm BST) to see if the feel good factor (Green) can move the markets upward, but watch the "Philly Fed Manufacturing Index" at 3pm (BST) for any movement.

Close of trading:

The Dow Jones Global Indexes: 17138.20 +77.52 (+0.45%)

Nasdaq Composite Index: 4425.97 +9.58 (+0.22%)

The S&P 500 Index: 1981.57 +8.29 (+0.42%)

Gold took a large tumble since my last report, dropping over 27.00 points (1292.10), before recovering slightly yesterday to 1298.85, but still a long way off its target of over 1337.65 to continue its run of finishing 7-in-a-row "Weekly" closes in the "Green".

Current price: 1302.53

Good luck
Hello Everyone

With the worrying reports of Flight MH17 crashing in Ukraine and Israel's ground invasion of Gaza, all three markets "Closed" down, with the S&P 500 falling over 1% since April this year.

Pre-markets continue to fall after U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden announced that the Malaysia Airlines plane appears to have been shot down.

Close of trading:

The Dow Jones Global Indexes: 16976.81 -161.39 (-0.94%)

Nasdaq Composite Index: 4363.45 -62.52 (-1.41%)

The S&P 500 Index: 1958.12 -23.45 (-1.18%)

Gold climbed yesterday on safe-haven demand after escalating geopolitical tensions reports pushed the global equity markets downward most of the day, closing at 1318.87.

Current price: 1314.90

Good luck
Hello Everyone

What a difference a day makes, as all three "Markets ended the day (Friday) in the "Green" after investors jumped on a wave of strong corporate financial results, pushing all three closer to record "High" territories.

Today could see a "Low" start with a "High" ending as 5 economic (feel good) data kicks off the week.

Close of trading:

The Dow Jones Global Indexes: 17100.18 +123.37 (+0.73%)

Nasdaq Composite Index: 4432.15 +68.70 (+1.57%)

The S&P 500 Index: 1978.22 +20.10 (+1.03%)

Friday saw "Gold" lose almost half of Thursdays gains, just one day after concerns about a conflict between Russia and Ukraine shot prices up, and investors returned to the "Stock Market", and in the process ending its 6 week run of finishing in the "Green", but my optimistic hopes still remain high that "Gold" will finish on the high side at the end of this month pushing pass the 1325.62 level, as part of its journey towards the 1400 level.

Current price: 1313.25

Good luck
Hello Everyone

Due to the mix up in my mines calendar, yesterdays "markets" reports were meant for today's listings.

As for yesterday (Monday) the "Markets" continued to slide downward in the face of the situation in "World" events, with "No" economic data to relay on.

Today could see a "Low" start with a "High" ending as 5 economic (feel good) data kicks off the week.

Close of trading:

The Dow Jones Global Indexes: 17051.73 -48.45 (-0.28%)

Nasdaq Composite Index: 4424.70 -7.44 (-0.17%)

The S&P 500 Index: 1973.63 -4.59 (-0.23%)

Gold moved slightly upward yesterday (Monday) closing at 1312.15 before dipping down again as diplomatic pressure is intensified to broker a truce in the Gaza strip denting global risk appetite and taking some of the shine of its safe-haven appeal.

Current price: 1307.35

Good luck
Hello Everyone

All "Markets" closed in the "Green" yesterday as better than expected data results saw the S&P 500 break new records.

Pre-markets seem to suggest more records could go today.

Close of trading:

The Dow Jones Global Indexes: 17113.54 +61.81 (+0.36%)

Nasdaq Composite Index: 4456.02 +31.31 (+0.71%)

The S&P 500 Index: 1983.53 +9.90 (+0.50%)

Gold looked likely to hold above the $1,300 level as the world hopes that geopolitical tensions in Ukraine and the Gaza strip can come to a peaceful end.

Current price: 1309.05

Good luck
Hello Everyone

Yesterday's close saw both the Nasdaq and S&P 500 in the "Green" while the Dow finished in the "Red".

The S&P 500 once again reached new heights (1989.23) and with 4 data reports due today any "good" results could see the 2,000 mark reached.

Close of trading:

The Dow Jones Global Indexes: 17086.63 -26.91 (-0.16%)

Nasdaq Composite Index: 4473.70 +17.68 (+0.40%)

The S&P 500 Index: 1987.01 +3.48 (+0.18%)

Gold closed (Wednesday) at 1304.33 before dropping to 1294.75 on the back of strong Chinese manufacturing data.

Current price: 1299.29

Good luck
Hello Everyone

Yesterday saw the Nasdaq join the Dow in the "Red" at the close, while the S&P 500 continued its record breaking to finish in the "Green", after mixed data results were announced.

With two reports due to be released at 1.30pm (BST) that might just set the tone for today's "Markets"

Close of trading:

The Dow Jones Global Indexes: 17083.80 -2.83 (-0.02%)

Nasdaq Composite Index: 4472.11 -1.59 (-0.04%)

The S&P 500 Index: 1987.98 +0.97 (+0.05%)

Gold looks set to finish in the "Red" for the second week-in-a-row as strong global economic data offset the metal's safe-haven appeal.

Current price: 1292.37

Good luck
Hello Everyone

Friday saw the "Markets" close in the "Red" ahead of one of the busiest weeks of economic data.

After one of the main reports last week (New home sales) was a clear disappointment, we look for the "feel good" (data) factor to hit the highs again.

Close of trading:

The Dow Jones Global Indexes: 16960.57 -123.23 (-0.72%)

Nasdaq Composite Index: 4449.56 -22.54 (-0.50%)

The S&P 500 Index: 1978.34 -9.64 (-0.48%)

Gold closed the week in the "Red" at 1307.12 as the end of the month gets closer and anything below 1327.06 will end my "Monthly" uptrend prediction.

Current price: 1304.65

Good luck
Hello Everyone

All three "Markets" finished in the "Red" as the US and European Union expands sanctions against Russia, despite companies reporting good numbers across the board.

Close of trading:

The Dow Jones Global Indexes: 16912.11 -70.48 (-0.42%)

Nasdaq Composite Index: 4442.70 -2.21 (-0.05%)

The S&P 500 Index: 1969.95 -8.96 (-0.45%)

Gold remains in the 1290 - 1300 range as investors awaited the FOMC Statement 7pm (BST) to gauge the US. central bank's view on the economy and monetary policy.

Current price: 1298.78

Good luck
Hello Everyone

Yesterday saw the "markets" close in a mix state, with the Nasdaq and S&P 500 ending in the "Green" while the Dow saw "Red", after the Advance GDP q/q and Advance GDP Price Index q/q produced better than expected results.

Pre-markets fell along side "Other" global markets after news of Argentina defaulting on its debt, after talks with holdout creditors broke down on Wednesday night. Argentina has already been isolated from international financial markets since its record $100 billion default in 2002, so look for a very possible "Low" start to the "Open" followed by a "High" close,

Close of trading:

The Dow Jones Global Indexes: 16880.36 -31.75 (-0.19%)

Nasdaq Composite Index: 4462.90 +20.20 (+0.45%)

The S&P 500 Index: 1970.07 +0.12 (+0.01%)

Gold (Close 1295.92) remained in the 1290 - 1300 range after the FOMC Statement acknowledged that unemployment is no longer elevated and inflation has stabilized.

Current price: 1295.11

Good luck