• Please try to select the correct prefix when making a new thread in this folder.

    Discuss is for general discussions of a financial company or issues related to companies.

    Info is for things like "Has anyone heard of Company X?" or "Is Company X legit or not?"

    Compare is for things like "Which of these 2 (or more) companies is best?"

    Searching is for things like "Help me pick a broker" or "What's the best VPS out there for trading?"

    Problem is for reporting an issue with a company. Please don't just scream "CompanyX is a scam!" It is much more useful to say "I can't withdraw my money from Company X" or "Company Y is not honoring their refund guarantee" in the subject line.
    Keep Problem discussions civil and lay out the facts of your case. Your goal should be to get your problem resolved or reported to the regulators, not to see how many insults you can put into the thread.

    More info coming soon.

Problem tiba-tiba dikenakan overnight commission di OctaFX

I am having an issue with a company


Pada saat kita membaca di OctaFX todak berlaku komisi swap ternyata hal itu tidak berlaku selamanya, dan aturan pembatalan bebas swap tersebut seolah-olah disembunyikan dipengumuman ke publik.
Berlakunya pengenaan komisi swap tersebut juga hanya diumumkan saat hari itu juga bukan ada peringatan 1-2 bulan sebelumnya supaya trader bisa melakukan strategi keluarnya
Betul-betul menjengkelkan Octa FX ini, berhati-hatilah dengan perubahan kebijakan mendadak OctaFX yg merugikan trader
Pada saat kita membaca di OctaFX todak berlaku komisi swap ternyata hal itu tidak berlaku selamanya, dan aturan pembatalan bebas swap tersebut seolah-olah disembunyikan dipengumuman ke publik.
Berlakunya pengenaan komisi swap tersebut juga hanya diumumkan saat hari itu juga bukan ada peringatan 1-2 bulan sebelumnya supaya trader bisa melakukan strategi keluarnya
Betul-betul menjengkelkan Octa FX ini, berhati-hatilah dengan perubahan kebijakan mendadak OctaFX yg merugikan trader
@OctaFX Rep, need your attention here.