JaredMartinez.com Review

2.667 • 4 REVIEWS
Jared Martinez
Updated: Jun 1, 2024
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Other websites of this company include: MarketTraders.com.


Established: Unknown
Contact: 1 (407) 740-0900
2.667 • 4 REVIEWS

Recent User Reviews of JaredMartinez.com

Arkansas, USA,
Mar 14, 2019,
Registered user

Jared Martinez and his MTI followers are waiting to get you as their next prey.

Jared Martinez and his MTI people operate with hunter's mentality . They use Baits, Nets, Ropes, Traps, Holes, Axes, Guards, and Milk Farms to enrich themselves.

1). I am not a newbie. i purchased many courses before, and am well educated in trading. What drew me in was MTI's  wild Pips production claims ( thousands of Pips / week ), plus a fake Money Back Guarantee (Bait).  it deceptively get me hyped up and  lured me into buying their products, thinking if it is true, great, i found a Holy Grail. If not, i can always get my money back.

  2). MTI  uses  extremely  unfair business practices, ie.  to have me signing contracts during phone calls. With MTI  Rep talking to me over the phone. i could not concentrate to read, let alone, to understand the terms of the Contract, which contains a Trap and Ax terms, which MTI Guards will use to attack the customer who demand refunds later. Phones play an important part (as Ropes) in MTI's scam. It causes short circuits in people's brains so that they can not read and find out what MTI does not like them to find out in the contracts they are signing.

3). In MTI's contracts, the 3rd step in the Satisfaction Guarantee Policy is a PURE LIE, falsehood (a Trap hole). It asks people to view certain number hours of some materials hosted on a website, where it does NOT exist.   i  searched  all  over  that  website for several weeks, and could  NEVER  find those materials.  MTI  carefully engineered this Trap to keep unsatisfied customers from getting their refunds. As my guarantee end limit day approached, i  finally  had to ask  MTI  staffs  by emails  where  those materials were located. In their replies, they told me that those materials were located on a different web location.

MTI's Contracts with a deceptive Trap Hole like this, i believe, are illegal and invalid in any court of law.  Drafting  an illegal  contract, and  make its customers to sign them makes  MTI  a  well  qualified  Scammer. 

4). In Oct of 2018, I signed up with MTI and made two(2) purchases.  The 1st  was UTP (Ultimate Trader Package) On Demand that came with CTR (Chief Trading Room). The 2nd  was  UCS (Ultimate Charting Software) / Smarttrader  package  that  came  with Unlimited  AoD (Analyst on Demand)  and  CTR  till  year (2018)  end.

Soon i found  that  MTI  had no respects to the  terms of its own Contracts, and violated   them  numerously  without  any  concern.  During all the time  i was with them, i had no access to AoD live sessions, no access to CTR live sessions (after my protests by emails, MTI staff sent me only 2 email links to CTR live sessions).

5). After watching the UTP videos, i found nothing new, every thing is all basic stuff, which can be found free of charge online or in books under $50.00.  Also,  i found their trading  method  uses too much drawings ( confusing, and time consuming), has big flaws. Its success rate is low. I do not like it at all.

6). Unsatisfied,  i  made  up  my  mind  to  use their  Money Back Guarantee to  get  my money back. Not trusting MTI any more, i decided to record my finishing the three steps required in their Money Back Guarantee to  back  up  my  claims for refunds in case MTI would  fraud me later.

7). In MTI's response documents to my bank's Chargeback requests, it lied again by saying: "Credit is not due to Mr. xxxxx because he signed and purchased the product and did not complete the required steps to be eligible for refund ". This is a changed version from the original lie on Dec.12,2018,  which follows:

  {   Dear Mr. xxxxx
     I have received your refund request but I see that the   below requirement has not been met and we will not be able to issue you a refund at this time.

     Satisfaction Guarantee Policy

     Step 1 -Attend the Wealth and Freedom Experience
     Live, either live in person or via live  web broadcast  (16 hours).

     Your Satisfaction Guarantee expires on 12/15/2018.

     D. S. xxxxx@markettraders.com    }

8). i immediately offered to send MTI proof in the form of recording to back up my claim that i finished all the 3 steps. MTI was caught committing a fraud on the spot. Not admitting its own fault, MTI started to accuse me of violating some terms in the contract. i dug out the contract to read, and found the terms (Ax terms), which ban recording. Now you see why i call these terms Ax terms.

Had i ever read and understand these Ax terms in the contract, i would Never purchased anything from MTI. They are brutally unfair, one sided contract.

I canceled my MTI purchases ($5495.00) within the 60 day Money Back Guarantee limit more that 3 months ago, and are still fighting to get my money back. MTI was caught lying, so it just use more lies to back up the old lie. They are a group of shameless scammers.
Richmond , USA,
Nov 19, 2016,

great course if utilized properly

I want to speak on behalf of my experience with MTI. Many say that the course materials are expensive but while I somewhat agree I will follow that by saying you get a lot of bang for your buck. The course is excellent for a new trader. If you are already a pro you do not need such a course so those wouldn't buy it anyway . Most do not talk about the extras that the course comes with just the course itself. In my opinion it is better than anything else on the market. I went from a loosing trader like the other 95% of traders to a winning trader. Not an easy feat. Part of the program is access to trade experts showing upcoming setups and trade direction and proof that following the system works. There is a huge emphasis on preservation of capital which is more important than anything else. If you take this course and review it regularly along with following their professional's and then follow a trade plan along with proper equity management you will succeed. It is the 90%+ that give it a half hearted effort and do not follow that fail. If you think you will get rich quick by over trading you will blow up your account and fail. Then those people complain and blame everyone else for their failures. There are also continued education courses within the program. Most that go on to learn more do better. However most people just complain about paying for these courses wanting more for free. Hey we all want stuff for free but remember that which comes to easily is usually not worth it in the long term. When looking up reviews take the negative with a grain of salt. People who fail complain about it. They never look in a mirror and say what did I do wrong or what could I do better. The tools are all there if you use them properly.
Michael Vessey
Pasadena, USA,
Oct 22, 2013,

Jared Martinez is a stand-up guy. I have subscribed to his services and I have found him more knowledable than his competition, highly ethical, and his written material is designed to truly teach want-to-be FOREX traders HOW to trade. His material and course work is the best I have seen because he incorporates the aspect of emotional maturity as a major element to being a successful FOREX trader, which most instructors fail to do. I am making a lot of money because of his direct mentorship to me! I recommend him as a mentor to all serious FOREX traders. ALL!
New Jersey,
Mar 17, 2010,

I can give an honest review based on 2 of his products. I have personally used both.

First...his book
His book "The 10 Essentials of Forex Trading: The Rules for Turning Trading Patterns Into Profit" $26 on Amazon.

This is a beginner's book. It covers the typical gamut of what Forex is, types of orders, how the market works.
I will quote the description
"In reading the dynamic Forex book "The 10 Essentials of Forex Trading", you will learn about:

* The 10 Key practices for trading in the Forex
* Developing a personal Constitution
* Developing your trader's Constitution
* Developing the skills you need for successful trading
* Understanding Trading Patterns
* Understanding Fibonacci Numerical Sequence
* Discovering what drives the market
* The crucial aspect of Equity Management
* Understanding the Financial game between the Bulls and the Bears
* And much more..."

Yes, all the bare bones basics. I think this is a good book but it is truly a FIRST STEP kind of book. You will need to move on to better resources immediately once done the book. Again, this is a case where what this book teaches can be found for FREE on all the major, reliable Forex websites like here at FPA.

Second - His training package of courses - $5000
I cannot list a description here...too lengthy. Basically, it covers the same material in his book then offers some 'advanced' materials. There are extra benefits such as quizzes, study workbooks, online interactive sections and online mentoring, virtual trading room and some charting software.

I cannot speak of the online goodies and extras because I was given a copy of his courses by a friend.

I can say that the course material itself is very expensive and is still bare bones and basic. Not much in depth or meaty. There is no way you would pay $5000 and be happy so I think they created the online goodies to make the package sell and give it some substance. My friend said the online extras were nice but not worth the $5000. Now, my friend is an independent thinker and does not need to be hand held like a brain dead zombie. Some people might need to be walked through every little nuance. Those are the people that I doubt should be trading at all really. That is $5000 that you could have saved or put toward trading.

My opinion is this -
Save the $5000. For $200 you could get some amazingly popular, well written in depth books from Amazon that would teach you as much, if not more.

ALSO, a huge red flag for me....this guy gives himself credit for being a big shot by establishing his own training company to lend credibility and it is based in Florida. You know why a lot of people set up in Florida? because when things go bad, you can file for bankruptcy and you do not lose your house and a lot of your ill-gotten gains.

I am not saying Mr. Martinez is a scammer. I am saying some things make me raise my eye brow too high! lol