• Please try to select the correct prefix when making a new thread in this folder.

    Discuss is for general discussions of a financial company or issues related to companies.

    Info is for things like "Has anyone heard of Company X?" or "Is Company X legit or not?"

    Compare is for things like "Which of these 2 (or more) companies is best?"

    Searching is for things like "Help me pick a broker" or "What's the best VPS out there for trading?"

    Problem is for reporting an issue with a company. Please don't just scream "CompanyX is a scam!" It is much more useful to say "I can't withdraw my money from Company X" or "Company Y is not honoring their refund guarantee" in the subject line.
    Keep Problem discussions civil and lay out the facts of your case. Your goal should be to get your problem resolved or reported to the regulators, not to see how many insults you can put into the thread.

    More info coming soon.

Problem SCAM WARNING !!!!!!! Reichman Partners DO NOT USE !!!!!!!

I am having an issue with a company
Hi, its been a while as you all know this year has been horrific. I would like to issue an apology to members on this feed. I realise that you fight for retail investors and that is commendable I also realise that Ironfx is a trick broker and is not fit for purpose. You were right about IronFX I am just a little guy trying to get by in this big cosmos and have had my life ruined due to this personal attack on me. I am taking legal action against Ironfx and am walking away from my brief spell in FX as it has ruined me. I hope you are all happy and you will release me from this kangaroo court at some point. Kind regards Danny Balck.

It took you over a year to figure out that IronFX wasn't as wonderful as you claimed? I'm glad you finally noticed. I would be interested to hear what they did which triggered your claim that you are taking them to court. If you are willing to share, you can either post that here or you can start a separate thread to focus on your issues with IronFX.

The apology is appreciated, but the insult isn't. This thread was never escalated through the FPA's "kangaroo court" system. If it had, this thread would have received far more attention. There was no Scam label formally applied, so there's no Scam finding to lift. Currently, all you have is a single thread in Scam Alerts. Even well run and well regulated brokers have a few of those.

There are still some unresolved issues here...

1. Are you still planning legal action against the FPA for 3rd party posts?

2. Are you planning legal action against anyone who has posted in this thread?

3. Do you ever plan to address the screenshot in Post #62? The one where you appear to have offered returns of 20% or more per month.

4. Have you ceased wishing the person who started this thread a slow painful death as you stated in post #72?
Danny Black didn't reply to my post above. Instead, he's had other people try to convince me to remove this thread.

Today I exchanged emails with a reputation management person hired by Danny to hide this thread. He wrote...

"There are two reviews that clearly shows perdsonal details of a person and used quote offensive language. as per any law those contents shpould be removed and posted by same person,
here are the links


Hope to hear you back soon


I replied...

"Are you complaining about what was said about Danny Black or about the things Danny Black said in the thread about other people?

What is your interest in the issue?

He wrote back...

"Obviously the language used in this thread about Danny black is totally insulting and his house address is disclosed as well. Calling someone Shabby and making a fun if he lives with his mother is in every way inappropriate. If someone has any objections with others business or his dealings it should be professionally explained and not making a fun out of it.
Both posts show same content and shows it is posted by same person to defame my client.
I am sure I have explained in detail the issue here.
Therefore I humbly request to get both posts deleted.
Hope to have a favourable response from you soon

Personally, I don't consider that to be obvious. Daniel Black said some things in this thread that were far less that civilized. I already suspected that I was dealing with one of those reputation management companies that offers to get information removed for a fee. I decided to try to verify this, so I responded...

"You say Danny Black is your client. What is the service you offer that he is a client of?"

He replied...

"I am a reputation management expert and I am legally hired to manage these two links."

I've just written back and told him to check the thread since I am replying in public. Here's my reply...

Danny made legal threats against the FPA.
Danny defended IronFX, a broker the FPA considers to be a scam. IronFX sent someone to the thread to defend him without disclosing that the person defending was an IronFX employee. Danny later found out the hard way that his confidence in IronFX was misplaced. I do not know if this involved any client money or not.
Danny attempted to post anti-FPA libel in this thread and an unrelated thread.
Danny's behavior towards other FPA members was often very uncivilized. He even said "I would not say this lightly but I wish you a slow a painful death" to one member in this thread.

I see no reasons to hide any facts about what happened here. If Danny wants to dispute anything here, then he can come to this thread instead of asking others to try to hide what was said.
ATTN: FPA Member DannyBlack

Your reputation management specialist has claimed the FPA deliberately locked you out of your account. I checked. It looks like someone tried to login and blew the password several times. The attempt to reset the password was sent to the email address tied to your forums account. That address is no longer valid, so the system has locked your account pending adding a valid email address.

If you want to have access restored, please CLICK HERE to get in touch with the FPA and provide a valid email address.

Danny, you should also check with your reputation management expert. He has threatened to sue the FPA over this thread. He's having the opposite effect to what you hired him for.
This thread is hilarious. There is obviously no reputation management expert. The poor spelling and childish syntax clearly shows the expert is Danny Black.

Being a psychologist I find it fascinating.

Black is like a little boy pretending to be a big tycoon issuing fake law suits and hiring non-existent brand experts. In reality, he is a 40 something loser who still lives with his mom. The only thing he has successfully completed in his life is the prison sentence he was given for drug dealing. When these facts are pointed out the elaborate fantasy he has constructed falls apart like a sand castle.

Over one year on he is still `psychotically obsessed with deleting the posts so the fantasy can resume. Unfortunately for him, his own damning posts are written in indelible ink.

Watching a fraudster and a bully slowly ruin themselves is very satisfying.

If others are in agreement, a separate post with Danny Black in the title should be issued simply linking to this thread so that future employers can be warned and see in his own words what a pathetic little man Black is.

Hi, its been a while as you all know this year has been horrific. I would like to issue an apology to members on this feed. I realise that you fight for retail investors and that is commendable I also realise that Ironfx is a trick broker and is not fit for purpose. You were right about IronFX I am just a little guy trying to get by in this big cosmos and have had my life ruined due to this personal attack on me. I am taking legal action against Ironfx and am walking away from my brief spell in FX as it has ruined me. I hope you are all happy and you will release me from this kangaroo court at some point. Kind regards Danny Balck.

Appreciate the apology, it shows you do have some kind of conscience! but then why are you still offering IronFX fully managed fx accounts on the crusaderinvestech.co.uk website?

Also, as for horrific years and lives being ruined..... I've just read that an 80 year old victim of an investment scam committed suicided a few weeks ago.

I quickly googled to find out more and saw this article that another 4 victims of a pension investment scam very recently committed suicide. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3066637/Suicides-four-victims-pension-fund-scam-Dozens-marriages-said-collapsed-families-lose-homes-scandal.htm

I'm not sure you know what it's like to REALLY have your life ruined. To the point that these defrauded people were in ruins with everything they had ever worked for stolen and there's no other way than to take their own lives. You've just had your 'business' plans not go as intended! but at least you're not in jail for investment fraud, so life's not all that bad.


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