MT5 Platform


I have a custom indicator that works perfectly on MT4. Is it possible to convert it for use on MT5, and if so, what are the essential steps or tools required?

Converting a custom indicator from MT4 to MT5 is possible. You can start by opening the MetaEditor in MT5, copy the indicator code from MT4, and paste it into MT5. Then, you may need to modify certain functions and syntax to align with the changes in MT5's coding structure.
Converting a custom indicator from MT4 to MT5 is possible. You can start by opening the MetaEditor in MT5, copy the indicator code from MT4, and paste it into MT5. Then, you may need to modify certain functions and syntax to align with the changes in MT5's coding structure.
I'll follow your advice and begin the process of converting the custom indicator from MT4 to MT5 using the MetaEditor. I'll make sure to review and modify the necessary functions and syntax to ensure it aligns perfectly with MT5's coding structure. Your help is much appreciated!
I have a custom indicator that works perfectly on MT4. Is it possible to convert it for use on MT5, and if so, what are the essential steps or tools required?
You have to write it and backtest from a scratch I guess. Metatrader platform underwent many changes in its new version
Converting a custom indicator from MT4 to MT5 is possible. You can start by opening the MetaEditor in MT5, copy the indicator code from MT4, and paste it into MT5. Then, you may need to modify certain functions and syntax to align with the changes in MT5's coding structure.
Wow, I didn't know that! Thanks a lot