Is is worth having a VPS


Private, 1st Class
Hi, was wondering is a VPS worth all that you have to go through to get it?

FPA Forums Team Note: This thread is for discussing the merits of having or not having a VPS. This is a non-commercial folder, so any discussions about specific VPS companies do not belong here. If anyone wants to compare or contrast VPS services, they can do so in the Financial Companies Comparisons and Discussons folder.
In my opinion VPS is required only when you are planning to use EA however EAs use can be tricky and may double the trouble if you are not a coder yourself since they are coded to follow technical analysis. They also requires monitoring during the highly volatile markets.
Hi, was wondering is a VPS worth all that you have to go through to get it?

FPA Forums Team Note: This thread is for discussing the merits of having or not having a VPS. This is a non-commercial folder, so any discussions about specific VPS companies do not belong here. If anyone wants to compare or contrast VPS services, they can do so in the Financial Companies Comparisons and Discussons folder.
Yes I use it for automatic scalping if you have a bot that works on momentum, VPS is essential since results improve significantly
I have not used a vps service, and my trading conditions did not warrant me to opt for on, i guess it would really depend if the account requires it year like running an automation or something.
It sure is in my opinion, can help you improve and relief some stress for sure.
What exactly did you have to go through to get it?
There is literally nothing too difficult about it. Give me one good reason not to use one.
Hi, was wondering is a VPS worth all that you have to go through to get it?

FPA Forums Team Note: This thread is for discussing the merits of having or not having a VPS. This is a non-commercial folder, so any discussions about specific VPS companies do not belong here. If anyone wants to compare or contrast VPS services, they can do so in the Financial Companies Comparisons and Discussons folder.
Absolutely, getting a VPS is a solid move. It's like upgrading your gaming rig for that flawless performance, but for trading.