FOREX PRO Weekly July 09-13, 2012

guys, JPY pairs, JPY pair, JPY pairs! did you see that rocket on e/j and u/j while e/u was doing jack?

a beautiful SG example on e/j as well. just when you think the bottom is gonna fall out, all SPPT wiped out, bam! 180 and the ship is off! never ceases to amaze me.

anyways, am just saying...

Strange that market is not proceeding lower to me, the strength of that upward move is suspicious.

Although I still have my sells at 1.22770 and will be holding them with a TIGHT stop of 1.23000, and my TPs are set at 1.21805 with 1 trailing sell... I will see what happens on the market and decide where to close this one, as we are near the 2 year support and market is even struggling to continue downward to it, so i'm sure when it hits it, the move up will be surprising.
Also just to point out, the market is no longer at oversold and has plenty of space for a sell off rally.. So this adds to the probability of it proceeding lower. All about probabilities ;)
you misunderstand. i'm not looking for excitement. got enough of that trying to get coke shipments into the country and dealing with the chinese triads. i meant: it's bloody not easy getting your entries and exits and timing right.

also, Trading Forex Is Like Being An Air Traffic Controller:

Hours of boredom interspersed with moments of sheer terror… ;) (always makes me laugh)

Trading forex is like being an air traffic controller | ForexLive

Here one for you ...

One day an economist died and was accidentally sent to hell. As we all know, all dogs and economists go to heaven, but in this instance old saint Peter was off his game and our economist joined all the rapists, murderers and forex traders in the underworld.
After a few weeks in hell the economist realises that it’s not such a bad place after all, it’s just chronically mismanaged. So he implements a plan.
Within a few months the economy in hell is booming. He has the budget in surplus which enables the devil to spend on infrastructure, and investment funds start to flow in, increasing capital expenditures throughout the entire hellish economy.
After a year or two God looks down and notices that the standard of living in hell has increased to the point that most of his angels are booking their summer vacations there. The beaches are lovely, and face it, heaven is the last place you’re gonna find someone who can mix a decent cocktail.
He phones the devil to ask what’s going on. Satan explains that they have employed the services of an economist to fix their economy.
God is not happy. "You know that all economists go to heaven" he yelled, "send him back immediately or we’re going to sue you"
The devil just laughed and replied, "As if! Where are you gonna get your hands on a lawyer?"
Strange that market is not proceeding lower to me, the strength of that upward move is suspicious.

Although I still have my sells at 1.22770 and will be holding them with a TIGHT stop of 1.23000, and my TPs are set at 1.21805 with 1 trailing sell... I will see what happens on the market and decide where to close this one, as we are near the 2 year support and market is even struggling to continue downward to it, so i'm sure when it hits it, the move up will be surprising.

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hehe, we came almost at SAXOs LL, so MAYBE ore more spike, just for pip or two lower, there I will buy; I never so far said it will not take 20, but every time and always is the first time
2012-07-11-TOS_CHARTS.jpgSive I have been messng around in my charts because I like to tinker. Have you ever studied fibonacci time extensions and their use? Do you know of any good material on the subject? I drew a simple one on the daily chart just to show you. May not be worth anything but the 38.2 line and potential 100 line are of interest.
View attachment 6046Sive I have been messng around in my charts because I like to tinker. Have you ever studied fibonacci time extensions and their use? Do you know of any good material on the subject? I drew a simple one on the daily chart just to show you. May not be worth anything but the 38.2 line and potential 100 line are of interest.

Hi Joshnix,
unfortunately not. Once I've experimented with Fib Circles, but didn't find any solid advantage or add-on to major Fib work.