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    More info coming soon.

Problem Beware from capital one forex !!! Scam scam scam

I am having an issue with a company


Well I have submitted inquiry and some web links to NZ governments and I got below reply from them...

Dear Salim

Thank you for the information you have provided on Capital One Forex.

Please be aware that FMA does not provide confirmations of good standing or legitimacy about any entity. We note that this company is registered on the Financial Service Providers Register here Search Summary Company FSP .

The FSPR is intended to enable the public to identify registered FSPs, find their business address, view the financial services the FSP is registered to provide and whether they belong to a dispute resolution scheme. Being registered does not in itself involve any licensing or determination that a FSP is a fit and proper person. The prerequisites for registration can be found here: What are the prerequisites for registration? | Companies Office FSP

We consider complaints that we receive and if we decide that a complaint does not break any of the laws we enforce, we will close the complaint.

If a complaint does raise a possible issue under the laws we enforce:

we may decide the issue warrants further attention and undertake further enquiry which may result in a review of the firm's work, or actions against them.
We may still decide it does not warrant further action at this time. In this case, we will close the complaint but may use the information you provided in the future.
FMA does not normally comment on whether or not it is investigating a particular matter (nor the details of the information found or conclusions reached in any investigation), as it may prejudice any person who is, or is likely to be, a subject of investigation. There may also be matters of confidentiality to consider. Bearing this in mind, if we are able, we will let you know the outcome of our enquiries.

You mention that Capital One Forex are scamming clients. Can you provide any proof that this is the case?

Yours sincerely

David Pegg

David Pegg | Adviser, Retail Intervention | Financial Markets Authority
T: + 64 4 474 2065 |E: david.pegg@fma.govt.nz
1 Grey Street, Level 2, Wellington
PO Box 1179, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Home | Financial Markets Authority
If you have complaints about Capital One than just send email to David pegg

You mention that Capital One Forex are scamming clients. Can you provide any proof that this is the case?

Yours sincerely

David Pegg

Again here is the address

David Pegg | Adviser, Retail Intervention | Financial Markets Authority
T: + 64 4 474 2065 |E: david.pegg@fma.govt.nz
1 Grey Street, Level 2, Wellington
PO Box 1179, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Home | Financial Markets Authority
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The next step is to see if CapitalOneForex is part of the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme. If so, traders need to open complaints there.
The next step is to see if CapitalOneForex is part of the Financial Dispute Resolution Scheme. If so, traders need to open complaints there.

They listed under FMA here is the link Search Summary Company FSP

Criteria is here What are the prerequisites for registration? | Companies Office FSP

So people can add their complaints as David wrote me that "You mention that Capital One Forex are scamming clients. Can you provide any proof that this is the case?

Yours sincerely

David Pegg"