Are all the reviews at the FPA real?

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FPA Forums and Reviews Admin
Are all the reviews at the Forex Peace Army real?

The Forex Peace Army doesn’t write the reviews. Review moderators are far too busy screening out the fake reviews to waste time creating extra reviews.

Everyone here is certain that the vast majority of the reviews shown at the Forex Peace Army are real. Review moderation isn’t an exact science. A few fake reviews will slip through. A few real reviews will be mislabeled as fakes.

Sometimes a company will claim a negative review is not real because the name on the review doesn't match their list of clients. In nearly every case, the company has positive reviews from nicknames or which only give a common first name, and no company has ever disputed one of those. The fact is that some reviewers, both positive and negative, want to defend their privacy, so will not provide their real name on a review.

The FPA continuously tries to upgrade screening procedures. This has to be done, since a few of the review spammers out there have gotten smarter over time.

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