Romance Scam Pear Coin Scam (

Pig Slaughter and similar scams

The Punisher

Scammers contact victims on dating websites (Tinder, Coffee Meets Bagel, Hinge, FB Dating, 2RedBeans, etc.) and pretend to be interested in a relationship. They will spend weeks greeting you every day acting like your new best friend but suddenly one day they talk about investments. Scammers also contact victims on WhatsApp, Line, WeChat, Telegram, Linked In, IG, etc. and pretend to contact you by accident but then ask to be your friend and start communicating with you every day. After a while, they talk about their investment in crypto or forex and state they have someone who guides them (usually an Uncle).

Scammers use VOIP numbers with country or area codes for the Country a victim lives in to try and make it look as if they are also a Citizen of your Country. They always have an excuse for why they cannot meet in person or for why they won’t have a video call with you. Some scammers have demo accounts they ask victims to open and practice with them as well as fake screen shots they send to trick you into thinking they are making a lot of money. All of this is part of a script and the scam is called Pig Butchering. Most of the scammers work in scam compounds in Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Myanmar.

The website below is a Scam and you should NOT do any business with this company. This is a WARNING to never give this company any of your money.



These scams are called Pig Butchering. Please see the website and video below for more details.

I was foolishly scammed out of $25,200 from this. fake friendship and trying to help. I guess he read my IG really well and saw my life style so i became a target. IG: ZFF190624 was the person. He blocked me after countless times trying to have me wire another $8,043 for taxes to PAY THE SITE To withdrawal. I refused to and he knew I spoke to my bank. he blocked my business IG account and doesn’t know I’ve been following his page with my personal IG that I rarely use. I see who he recently follows and that follows him back.. then message them to warn them.

I hope we can put this guy on blast.

My best friend ran into an incident with a person with the IG: YUFAN001. He kept pressuring her to wire money into an online crypto platform. She told me about the problem and I told her to keep saying no or make excuses. she refused to so he said she disappointed him and no longer wants to talk to her.
I was foolishly scammed out of $25,200 from this. fake friendship and trying to help. I guess he read my IG really well and saw my life style so i became a target. IG: ZFF190624 was the person. He blocked me after countless times trying to have me wire another $8,043 for taxes to PAY THE SITE To withdrawal. I refused to and he knew I spoke to my bank. he blocked my business IG account and doesn’t know I’ve been following his page with my personal IG that I rarely use. I see who he recently follows and that follows him back.. then message them to warn them.

I hope we can put this guy on blast.

My best friend ran into an incident with a person with the IG: YUFAN001. He kept pressuring her to wire money into an online crypto platform. She told me about the problem and I told her to keep saying no or make excuses. she refused to so he said she disappointed him and no longer wants to talk to her.
What country are you from so we can advise where to report this crime.
Columbia $26,000 USD I have the captures where I can send them, what legal process can I carry out
IF you have documented all of the evidence, then you should start by filing reports with the following:

1) File a fraud report with the Colombian Securities Exchange

2) File an IC3 with the FBI

3) Contact the Global Anti-Scam Organization (GASO) and file a report. They have free live chat 24/7 on their website to help all victims.

DO NOT pay any fees or taxes to try and get your money back as this is part of the scam to steal more of your money. Also DO NOT hire any recovery companies as they are also scammers.
IF you have documented all of the evidence, then you should start by filing reports with the following:

1) File a fraud report with the Colombian Securities Exchange

2) File an IC3 with the FBI

3) Contact the Global Anti-Scam Organization (GASO) and file a report. They have free live chat 24/7 on their website to help all victims.

DO NOT pay any fees or taxes to try and get your money back as this is part of the scam to steal more of your money. Also DO NOT hire any recovery companies as they are also scammers.
I have not been able to file the complaint, it does not let me, at some point you think it is possible to recover something of what was invested
What country are you from so we can advise where to report this crime.
One of the scammers changed his IG account name recently.

NEW IG name.. same account is 220624FC.

Also he recently made the account private.

He also reached out to one of my friends who owns multiple businesses. I have already warned my friend. Hopefully my friend didnt fall for it