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    More info coming soon.

Info Possible scam? Help me understand.

Asking questions about a company


Hello everyone, I have been added to a Telegram channel called "Forex Scalping EA" by a certain Alex.

I found myself inside the channel and I don't have any link to give you access. Inside this channel, only one expert advisor is sold and I can't figure out where the potential scam might be.

The percentages are extremely high and incredible, and this guy, to prove that everything is real, besides sharing the Myfxbook link of each of his clients' accounts, also shares the read-only access to MT4 with username and password.

I'm attaching one of his messages within Telegram to help you understand better:

+24343 USD another account was successfully worked out using a fully automatic trading robot - ScalpingEA!

Profit in $: +24343 USD
Profit in %: 468.14%
Deposit: 5200.00 USD
Withdrawal: 29543 USD
Drawdown: 2 %
Completion time: 9 days

Investor login and password:

Login: 6119870
Password: -;n9ye]X
Server: GrandCapital-Real

MyFxBook: https://www.myfxbook.com/members/ScalpForex/147/10966486/mayx6rW9YDuVk2KTsR3g

This is one of the many messages he has been posting since 2022, with Myfxbook links and the access usernames and passwords of his clients' accounts. I tried to log in and indeed, you can see all the open and closed trades, as well as deposits and withdrawals. I'm attaching an image of how the message appears within the Telegram channel:



This channel has existed since 2022 and constantly publishes the results of its "clients" with Myfxbook links and login credentials to view the trades through the MT4 application.

Help me understand how he could have created all this and if something like this is feasible, or if he has simply organized a well-crafted scam. I can't find any information about this Telegram channel on the internet, yet it has been around for a long time!
The channel is private, so I couldn't retrieve the link to access it, but in the previous message I tried to explain everything and I copied and pasted one of the many messages it publishes.
A million-dollar advice, Please stay away from the Telegram advice channel, 99% are scams.
A million-dollar advice, Please stay away from the Telegram advice channel, 99% are scams.

However, I didn't understand how it is possible to modify the transaction data on MT4. On the channel, there are usernames and passwords of the accounts of his clients (in read-only mode), and by entering them into MT4, there are indeed purchases, sales, deposits, and withdrawals.

So, is it possible to also modify individual transactions in MT4?
MT is a scam platform. The link below shows many issues with the platform including how to manipulate and change charts, prices, account balances, etc. The company is registered in Cyprus (corrupt country), its owned by Russians and for a while Apple even removed them from the Play Store. MT allows white label and grey label licenses to be bought/sold by anyone without any type of business registration, commodities registration, etc. Scammers love this platform for this reason and Meta Quotes offers zero help to any victim of Forex and financial scams unless you obtain a court order in Cyprus forcing them to take action.
