Hello Hello everybody!


Hello everybody! I'm relatively new to Forex, and I'm thrilled to join this community. I recently completed a Forex course and finally began trading a bit on my own.
Hello everybody! I'm relatively new to Forex, and I'm thrilled to join this community. I recently completed a Forex course and finally began trading a bit on my own.
Welcome to FPA @MarthaLee

Take a look at this link Forex Military School and start your Forex Journey (improve Forex knowledge)

There are a few articles written by Pharaoh on some subjects you might find useful (broker selection, avoiding scams, etc.). You'll find most of them here:


Use the below link to contact fpa if you have any questions.

And, if you got any questions then feel free to write here. We are more than happy to assist our members.
Have a great day :)
Hello everybody! I'm relatively new to Forex, and I'm thrilled to join this community. I recently completed a Forex course and finally began trading a bit on my own.
Hello and welcome to the forum. It's great to have you among us :)
Hello everybody! I'm relatively new to Forex, and I'm thrilled to join this community. I recently completed a Forex course and finally began trading a bit on my own.
Welcome to the forum. Wishing you success and profitable trades!