DDOS Attacks | Can you help defend the Forex Peace Army?

DDOS Attacks | Can you help defend the Forex Peace Army?

Often, I get emails from Forex Peace Army members asking how they can help. Of course, I ask them to share their experiences in the forums and reviews, but some ask if there’s a way to donate funds to assist the FPA. I’m personally thrilled that the FPA does such a good job helping people that some of them are ready to volunteer to help the FPA.

After some discussion, it’s been decided to give FPA members a chance to help with the most critical priority for the website. This is keeping the site safe from denial of service and hacking attacks.

Did you know the Forex Peace Army has been involved in a quiet war for many years now?

It began with Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks back in 2008. In 2013, they managed to hack their way into to the FPA’s forums database and email system for a short time. Discussions which could have helped resolve serious trader issues were erased.

Here’s a report from the Anti-DDoS service the FPA was using in 2011…


The attacks vary in size and intensity. Sometimes, a few weeks or even a couple months can go by without a serious attack. Then they come back and try over and over again. This is a typical test attack. It’s a simple probe to see if the attackers have enough forces to slow down or block the FPA’s site…


Since 2008, the FPA has steadily been increasing the amount of money spent on DDoS resistant hosting.

Site security has also been continuously upgraded. When so many scammers are ready to commit crimes to keep the FPA from warning traders, the number, size, and style of attacks varies.

When this first started back in 2008 and 2009, the FPA could be knocked offline for hours or days. Later upgrades reduced the downtime dto less than a few hours. The hackers increased the size and complexity of their attacks enough to make several “DDoS Proof” hosting companies ask the FPA to move elsewhere.

One part of blocking an attack is to locate the source computers and block out the IP addresses they are using…


For attacks from a few thousand computers, this is easy. When the attack comes in from half the world, other measures have to be added to contain the attack.

Currently the FPA hosting is among the most secure and attack resistant available.

The largest attacks can only knock the site offline for a few minutes or slow it down for an hour or two. Here are images from another attack against the ForexPeaceArmy.com…


As you can see, the 3 peaks in this one happened over a 10 minute period. It also is much more intense than the test attack above. The short duration shows this attack was a failure If it had taken ForexPeaceArmy.com offline, they would have kept the attack going longer. Since the most intense attacks this group of hackers could bring up only slowed the site down a little, they gave up.

The problem with this is that the FPA doesn’t spend $50, $100, or even $500 a month for hosting and security issues.

Last year, the FPA spent a total of $47,487.75 on hosting and security.

This includes tools and approximately 240 hours of highly skilled professional services. BTW, I’m very proud of the tech guys. They provide these services to the FPA at a fraction of the fair market price. They do this because they also believe in the important mission the FPA carries out for the trading community.

Many times over the years, people asked if they could donate to the FPA. If you find the FPA’s services to be valuable to you, now’s your chance. If you want to make the FPA less dependent on banner ads, now’s your chance. If you want to get me to stop writing more in this post, now’s your chance.

Based on 2015 prices, the FPA spends about $3,957.31 per month keeping the site online and secure from frequent attacks. If you feel you’ve derived value from the FPA and want to help, the plan is to ask members if they can help cover those defense expenses. For June, if any amount above $3,957.31 is raised, that will be applied towards July’s defense expenses.

There is no requirement. There is no member fee. This is just an opportunity

for you to help out an organization which dedicates itself to helping out traders for no charge.

PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!

Your donation makes it easier for the FPA to keep the best possible defenses. Your donation makes it harder for scammers to pay hackers to determine what information you can find online.


Author Profile

AsstModerator FPA

AsstModerator FPA

Bill started off as the Assistant Moderator to the FPA's forums in December 2007. Not long after, he was promoted to being the forums administrator. Even with the promotion, he kept the same username, which led to some very amusing conversations with people who didn't know that Bill and AsstModerator were the same person.

Being blamed for everything people disagreed with in the forums wasn't enough punishment for Bill. A few months after becoming the forums admin, he started making suggestions to improve the moderation of the FPA's reviews. Now Bill is the person who gets blamed for everything people get blamed for in the forums and reviews.


1628 Views 25 Comments


8 years ago,
Registered user
Guys im a microsoft certified engineer nit just a trader but an extreme computer geek ddos attacks easy i volunteer to help. Im very good and know how hackers think (i used to be one when was young and silly) im here to help man been running servers for most of my life. All best, Max
8 years ago,
Registered user
Are these attacks from a broker that was marked scam at FPA? Or many brokers linked and hired a team of professional hackers to conceal/remove their bad reviews. Sounds legit.
8 years ago,
Registered user
So far, I have circumstantial evidence linking one scam rated binary options broker to at least one attack. Other attacks happened before binary options existed.

The number and variety of attacks makes me believe that there are several different companies or groups of companies working independently. Some may only try a few times and give up. Others may try to recruit other scammers to share the costs of larger attacks. As new scammers get exposed at the FPA, some will independently decide they can solve the problem by hiring their own hackers.
8 years ago,
Registered user
Well i dont find FPA useful and serving the purpose. My feedback on two bad brokers still not published. Why should I donate??
8 years ago,
Registered user
> Well i dont find FPA useful and serving the purpose. My feedback on two bad brokers still not published. Why should I donate??

Reviews can take up to 5 business days to be approved. I see a pair of 1 Star reviews you submitted on April 20th. Both were approved. It looks like you checked back on the pages before the approval was done.

If anyone submits a review and it's not approved within 5 business days, there's a Contact Us link on the bottom of every page in the site.
8 years ago,
Registered user
> Guys im a microsoft certified engineer nit just a trader but an extreme computer geek ddos attacks easy i volunteer to help. Im very good and know how hackers think (i used to be one when was young an..
Welcome aboard
Daniel O.
8 years ago,
Registered user
I dont write, I just donated

Keep Good Work FPA!
7 years ago,
Registered user
My apologies. The review was posted. Thank you very much. You people are doing a great job.
7 years ago,
Registered user
> Often, I get emails from Forex...
Your donation makes it easier for the FPA to keep the best possible defenses. Your donation makes it harder for scammers to pay hackers to determine what information..

Bill & Everyone Else with FPA:

I don't have much, in fact except for a tiny "micro-acct" I'm practicing with until I get my "rebate" next month, I usually have less than $15 a month left (out of $676 in disability) for "extras". HOWEVER, as I said in my Thank You post I made awhile back; what you all have "given" me in this new journey, is beyond ANYTHING I could possibly afford. If...or rather WHEN I begin to bring some money in, FPA will be, NOT my first "charitable" donation, but instead, it will be a REQUIREMENT for myself. I'm a firm believer in giving back more than I receive and without FPA, I wouldn't have the Hope for a Future today-honestly, that's how strongly I believe in what you guys are doing.
After my accident almost 10 years ago, I lost everything, including my career in medicine-which is all I've ever known or done. After almost $500K in medical bills and an expensive divorce left me almost homeless; I sank into a very deep depression. Up UNTIL almost 6 months ago now, I saw no future for myself and had absolutely NO idea what I could possibly do do try and pull myself out of this mess. Although I have two advanced degrees, when you're unable to drive, can't afford to move and living in a very small town-not to mention my ongoing health problems; my "employment" options are extremely limited. I tried some freelance work online, but in the end, it cost me more than I got paid. THEN my brother and nephew asked my opinion on some biotech stocks--without realizing what would soon happen. Within a few months, I discovered this crazy world of currency exchange and realized that it IS a possibility for me. To be honest, I didn't think I'd like it, not did I think I could really do it. I'd spent most of my life in emergency rooms and laboratories, (not to mention I'd befriended a man over 8 years ago who has recently become rather well-known for his views against Wall Street). What the HECK did I know about trading ANYTHING?? Absolutely NOTHING-UNTIL I found Forex Peace Army. Through Sive and Pharoah's courses here, Jarratt's incredible organization and a few others I've found BECAUSE of FPA; I'm now on my way to a VERY unlikely, second career. And, I'm loving every second of it!! When a very close physician-friend tells me, (and apparently others), that I'm actually looking healthier and younger than I have in years, that he sees a spark in my eyes he hasn't seen since medical school; I KNOW I'm on the right track! Apparently, these strange hours I'm keeping agree with me! :cool: (Although, considering I worked nights, 7pm-7am for over 20yrs, I guess it shouldn't be that much of a surprise!)
Anyways, THANK YOU again, For ALL you guys do for us newbies AND old-timers. Most of us have learned that whenever we have a problem or a question, FPA is here for us. Whether you realize it or not, you're changing lives for the better with your VERY brave fight against the MANY scams and schemes in this industry; AND the support and education you offer to us wayward souls searching for answers.
As soon as I can get PayPal to work, I'll be sending my first "payment". It won't be much today, but I PROMISE you, as soon as I have more, you all are FIRST on my list.
AND I CHALLENGE ALL OTHER REGULARS HERE to also make AT LEAST a small donation!! If I can do it, so can YOU!!
7 years ago,
Registered user
I have just send you guys some pennies. Don't spend all one go:).. Stay safe from hackers
Hope to se you guys next decade. Great job. My apologies not participating much.
7 years ago,
Registered user
This is a great thing you are doing for FX and binary options. As a transparent company active in binary options, we too were at the receiving end of a major DDOS early this year so we understand the plight.

We would like to subscribe to FPA and help pay monthly, do you have such a facility?
BSB Zio,
7 years ago,
Registered user
> This is a great thing you are doing for FX and binary options. As a transparent company active in binary options, we too were at the receiving end of a major DDOS early this year so we understand the ..
As a "transparent company active in binary options" can you please tell me who your liquidity providers are?
7 years ago,
Registered user
> As a "transparent company active in binary options" can you please tell me who your liquidity providers are?

We are a binary options education company and do not accept customer deposits or facilitate trading. We do not have account managers or anything like that. We are a service provider, not a binary options brokerage.

Therefore we do not have liquidity providers. Also note there is no such thing as a liquidity provider in binary options - there are no market makers or anything. There are financial backstops.

7 years ago,
Registered user
> We are a binary options education company and do not accept customer deposits or facilitate trading. We do not have account managers or anything like that. We are a service provider, not a binary opti..
Tell more about your service,what can you provide to traders.
Thank You.
7 years ago,
Registered user
> Tell more about your service,what can you provide to traders.
Thank You.

Hi Irwanl,

Thanks for your message. I believe we are not allowed to make commercial posts here so I will avoid. Our presence here is more to help educate people new in binary options so that they don't get scammed.

7 years ago,
Registered user
It is good to help trader from get scammed,but we need to read the detail so we know what we are subcribe to or dealing with.

Thank You.
7 years ago,
Registered user
Hi there,

I have been using FPA since 2014. At first I was here for the Forex Lectures written by Sive Morten. The man provides a very well-written and comprehensive guide for beginners like me, and it is FOR FREE no less. Then when I thought I was ready to get my hands dirty, I looked into the Reviews section to help me choose a legitimate broker. Now I come back regularly for Sive's daily and weekly analysis.

I have to say that this website really operates with a "serve the community" mindset. All the information is just readily available to everyone, guests even. I didn't even have to register to learn Sive's course. Well the time has come for me to make my own tiny little contribution to the community. I just made a donation for FPA's DDoS defense budget and I call upon people who have also benefited from FPA over the years to contribute your part too. FPA's a good cause and your help will keep it alive!

Thank you FPA!
7 years ago,
Registered user
> Hi there,

I have been using FPA since 2014. At first I was here for the Forex Lectures written by Sive Morten. The man provides a very well-written and comprehensive guide for beginners like me, and..
7 years ago,
Registered user
> We are a binary options education company and do not accept customer deposits or facilitate trading. We do not have account managers or anything like that. We are a service provider, not a binary opti..
There are no liquidity providers and no market makers,so where does the money come from and go to then?
I'm an options trader by profession so please tell me,what sort of Deltas are you looking at in your options right now?
7 years ago,
Registered user
> It is good to help trader from get scammed,but we need to read the detail so we know what we are subcribe to or dealing with.

Thank You.
This guy you are talking with is a scammer,he claims there's no liquidity providers and no market making,he is talking absolute nonsense what the Hell are financial backstops?Just complete BS I'm afraid!
7 years ago,
Registered user
> This guy you are talking with is a scammer,he claims there's no liquidity providers and no market making,he is talking absolute nonsense what the Hell are financial backstops?Just complete BS I'm afra..
Thank you,i knew it.
7 years ago,
Registered user
> There are no liquidity providers and no market makers,so where does the money come from and go to then?
I'm an options trader by profession so please tell me,what sort of Deltas are you looking at in ..

This is extremely off topic, but I can't resist answering it anyway.

Binary Options brokers make their money the same way casinos do - from client deposits. The only difference is that binary brokers stack the odds against clients much worse than casinos and most binary brokers rarely bother to allow withdrawals.

Until a reasonable number of "honest" binary brokers appear (this could take several more years), there's no point in worrying about any other binary related products.
7 years ago,
Registered user
> This is extremely off topic, but I can't resist answering it anyway.

Binary Options brokers make their money the same way casinos do - from client deposits. The only difference is that binary broker..
Exactly so they are pure market makers in that case,their market exists within their company and nowhere else,they are the only counterparty to any and all trades!

"Also note there is no such thing as a liquidity provider in binary options - there are no market makers or anything. There are financial backstops."

Making this statement above an outright lie!Anyway this scammer calls himself "Blue Sky Binary Options",it's just occurred to me isn't the Mother of all scammers on here Reza Moktharian known to use the moniker "Blue Sky" in a variety of his scams?
7 years ago,
Registered user
> e!Anyway this scammer calls himself "Blue Sky Binary Options",it's just occurred to me isn't the Mother of all scammers on here Reza Moktharian known to use the moniker "Blue Sky" in a variety of his ..

You are probably confused with "Ocean Sky".

On initial look, this company does not appear to be connected to the Forex Peace Army's 2015 Scoundrel of the Year, Reza Moktharian. At present he is working on an MLM (multi-level marketing) company, I am considering doing a SITREP on here about it, but am not sure if we want to deal with the brainwashed zombies and paid shills that may come out.

Anyways, I hope I am in a position to donate some pips soon!
4 years ago,
Registered user
@AsstModerator, I recommend you add Neteller to the donation list. Not many brokers use paypal, but a bunch use Neteller. So since the majority of your visitors are traders (or aspiring traders), then it would make sense to have 1-2 other donation options.

And you should also list a button for bank transfer options. And bitcoin now also.